Alex Stephens

Do I need to do academic or general IELTS Exam?

Do I Need To Do The Academic Or General IELTS Exam?

Everybody’s situation is different. Some people are planning to study in a university in an English speaking country, and some are planning to live and work in an English country.

Can I repeat Words in My Essay?

Can I Repeat Words In My Essay?

Repeating words is sometimes necessary, but can also lower your grade. It depends on the types of words you are repeating.

Do I Need To Plan My Essay?

Do I Need To Plan My Essay?

Planning your essay is important because it helps you to organise your ideas into a logical order and more.

IELTS Speaking Exam Explained Simply

IELTS Speaking Exam Explained Simply

The IELTS speaking test is designed to accurately test all the important parts of speaking English. It lasts between 11 and 14 minutes depending on the length of your answers.
