The Answer Is

Repeating words is sometimes necessary, but can also lower your grade. It depends on the types of words you are repeating. Here are a few rules to help you know when repeating words can be good or bad for your essay.

Three Simple Rules

1. You Can Repeat Subject Words

Many essays are about ‘students’. If you have to talk about ‘students’, yes you can repeat the word ‘students’. The essay would be confusing if you start using 100 different words for ‘students’.

2. Avoid Repeating Structure and Linking Words

When explaining your ideas you will need words like ‘furthermore’ or ‘in addition’. For higher bands, you should show your ability to use an appropriate selection of these types of words.

3. Don’t Trust Synonyms

I often see students using dictionaries or Google to find more and more words that have the same meaning because they have read “avoid repeating words” in IELTS or PTE guides. You must be very careful. I recommend looking at example sentences because synonyms are ‘similar’ not ‘the same’ and often we need to use them in different situations or in different ways.


IELTS, PTE and other examining boards are testing your ability to use a variety of appropriate words and sentence structures, so learn a variety of vocabulary. Then, learn how and when to use it appropriately.
