
Describe Visual Information

Approx. 20 Minutes

Write 150+ Words

Chart, Table, Diagram or Map


The first task in the IELTS Academic Writing Exam is to describe some visual information. You will have around 20 minutes to complete this part. You are likely to use a range of descriptive language suitable for the type of information given including passive voice. You are required to give an overview or summary of the data followed by a description of the most relevant and significant features. You should also make comparisons where relevant, by describing key similarities and differences. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully and the IELTS writing marking criteria.

Data Types

The visual information may be presented in any of these styles.

Line Graph

Bar Chart

Pie Chart


Diagram / Process


Example Task

The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in Sydney between 1995 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Average distance in miles travelled per person per year, by mode of travel

  1995 2000
Walking 255 237
Bus 429 274
Train 289 366
Taxi 13 42
Other 450 585


This letter task tests your ability to understand and talk about visual data in a clear and descriptive manner. Remember to only include data given and use appropriate language to provide an overview and describe main features. Imagine the reader cannot see the data.
