How Students Feel about IELTS
“I give up!” “I’m done!” “I can’t do it again!” “I don’t care anymore!” “If I don’t pass this time, that’s it!” I have heard these, and many other similar comments from English learners around the world. You know who you are!
The Power of IELTS
The IELTS organization says, “More people go more places with IELTS.” With the high number of companies and educational institutions now looking to IELTS as a reliable indicator of English ability, I have no doubt that this is true and I’m sure that there is no feeling like the one students feel when they finally achieve their desired IELTS band. However, today this is for you. The students who are still studying, still learning, and still trying to get the band you need.
Some students have sat the exam once and vowed “Never again!” Some have sat the exam more times than their fingers can count and in just as many different testing centers, proving again that “More people go more places with IELTS.”
Why Is Passing This Exam So Difficult?
So, why is there so much frustration over these greatly desired IELTS exams?
Well, the answer is very simple. IELTS measures your English language abilities, and as you already know, learning English is not easy. I’m sorry that there isn’t a more satisfying answer.
In fact, learning ANY language is not easy and I’m sure it causes frustration and torment to a much larger group of learners than we can imagine. On the positive side however, you can be sure that you are not alone!!
Every learner’s situation is different! Perhaps the last exam wasn’t your best performance, you weren’t so familiar with the topic or you read a negative horoscope that morning and so just felt a bit miserable.

Stay Positive. Try Again.
In English we have an expression “Get back on the horse” which means to attempt the same challenging action after failure.
In life we all make mistakes, get lost, and fail exams. Is this bad? No! Every wrong path, bad decision and of course failed IELTS exam, makes us stronger, builds our character and improves our knowledge for next time.
You are stronger, smarter and better today than you were yesterday so keep getting back on that horse and keep improving!